1 No school can achieve its objective without the participation of parents. The interest and involvement of the parents consists in their efforts to understand and support the objectives of the school. It means the following:-
    (a) The parents are living examples of the values taught to and expected of their children.
    (b) Parents should keep the Class Teacher / Coordinator informed of any special problems, family circumstances or other relevant facts.
    (c) The parents should co-operate with every staff member.
    (d) The parents should participate in the growth and development of the school.
2 The co-operation and support of the parents are expected to ensure the following:-
    (a) The students come to school regularly, punctually and are dressed neatly and in proper uniform.
    (b) The students bring their books and note books to school, which should be properly maintained.
    (c) The students do their home work regularly and prepare their lessons.
    (d) The students take active and genuine interest in the activities of the school.
3 Parents are requested for the following:
    (a) To see the notes mentioned in the school diary by the teachers.
    (b) To make their own remarks to the teachers in the school diary.
    (c) To check the books, notebooks and answer papers of the students regularly.
4 When communicating with the Principal through letters, parents are requested to mention  the name, class and section of the student.
5 By placing their children with the school, parents or guardians individually undertake to confirm and submit to the discipline of the school. They are given to understand that they cannot dictate to the management regarding the administration of the school.
6 Visitors are not allowed to meet the class teachers and students in their respective class during the school hours. In urgent cases, students may be contacted through the school authorities.
7 Parents are requested to give specimen signature in order to verify their signatures in the report cards, remarks, leave records page etc. in the school diary.
8 If a student is seriously ill or suffering from an infectious or contagious disease,    he / she should not be sent to school. A leave application has to be submitted to the Principal immediately. On recovery, a Doctor’s Certificate has to be produced stating that he/she is fully cured and is fit to attend the classes.
9 Parents/Guardians are requested to notify in writing any change in their address and telephone number to the School or Principal.
10 Parents are expected to attend Parents – Teachers Meetings (PTM) after every examination. Results will not be handed over to relatives or friends. In case of any difficulty regarding the functioning of the school or the progress of the students, the parents are encouraged to approach the Principal.
11 No office business will be transacted on holidays and after the office hours.
12 Parents are permitted to send their child in civil clothes on the child's birthday.
13 A students with 100 % attendance will be given certificate at the end of the academic session.
14 If a student is suspended from the school for any reason, the fault will be mentioned in the report  card and TC as well.

